Terms of use

The general conditions of sale described below detail the rights and obligations of AfrodiAk and its customer in the context of the sale of the following natural cosmetic products.

Any service performed by AfrodiAk therefore implies the buyer's unreserved adherence to these general conditions of sale.


The prices of the goods sold are those in force on the day of placing the order. They are denominated in euros and calculated all taxes included. As a result, they will be increased by the transport costs applicable on the day of the order.

AfrodiAk grants itself the right to change its rates at any time. However, it undertakes to invoice the goods ordered at the prices indicated at the time of registration of the order.

Discounts and rebates

The proposed rates include the discounts and rebates that AfrodiAk would have to grant given its results or the assumption by the buyer of certain services.

No discount will be granted in the event of advance payment.

Terms of paymentThe payment of orders is made:

By credit card

Late payment

In the event of non-payment of total or partial payment of the goods delivered on the day of receipt, the buyer must pay AfrodiAk a late payment penalty equal to three times the legal interest rate.

The legal interest rate withheld is that in force on the day of delivery of the goods.

As of January 1, 2015, the legal interest rate will be revised every 6 months (Ordinance No. 2014-947 of August 20, 2014).

This penalty is calculated on the amount including VAT of the remaining amount due, and runs from the due date of the price without any prior formal notice being necessary.

In addition to late payment compensation, any amount, including the deposit, not paid on its due date will automatically result in the payment of a flat-rate indemnity of 40 euros due for the collection costs.

Articles 441-6, I paragraph 12 and D. 441-5 of the Commercial Code.

Resolution clause

If within fifteen days of the implementation of the "Late payment" clause, the buyer has not paid the remaining sums due, the sale will be resolved as of right and may be entitled to the allowance of damages for the benefit of the company.

Retention of title clause

AfrodiAk retains ownership of the goods sold until full payment of the price, in principal and accessories. As such, if the buyer is subject to a judicial redress or liquidation, AfrodiAk reserves the right to claim, as part of the collective procedure, the goods sold and remained unpaid.


The delivery is made:

Or by sending by a carrier to the address indicated by the buyer on the order form.

Or by the direct delivery of the goods to the buyer.

The delivery time indicated when registering the order is only indicative and is in no way guaranteed.

Consequently, any reasonable delay in the delivery of the products will not be able to give rise to the buyer's benefit to:

The allowance for damages

The cancellation of the order.

The risk of transport is borne in full by the buyer.

In the event of goods missing or deteriorated during transport, the buyer must make all the necessary reservations on the order form upon receipt of the said goods. These reservations must also be confirmed in writing within five days of delivery, by registered mail AR.

Force majeure

AfrodiAk's liability cannot be implemented if the non-performance or delay in the performance of one of its obligations described in these general terms and conditions of sale results from a case of force majeure. As such, force majeure means any external, unpredictable and irresistible event within the meaning of Article 1148 of the Civil Code

. Competent court

Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general conditions of sale is subject to French law.

In the absence of an amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the Commercial Court of France.

Do not hesitate to get in touch


Tel: +33646354523