Our Certificates

Certificat ECOCERT

Ecocert is an independent certification body that plays an important role in the certification of organic and ecological products. Founded in France in 1991, Ecocert is now a world reference in the certification of environmentally friendly products.

Organic Certification: Ecocert is widely recognized for its certification of organic products. Farmers, food producers, cosmetics manufacturers, and other industry players can submit their products to Ecocert to obtain organic certification.

Strict Standards: To obtain Ecocert certification, products must meet strict standards defined by the organization. This may include criteria such as the absence of chemical pesticides, the use of organic ingredients, environmentally friendly agricultural practices, and other sector-specific requirements.

Global Scope: Although based in France, Ecocert operates on a global scale. Its certifications are recognized in many countries, which makes it a key player in the promotion of sustainable and organic practices around the world.

Certified Products: In addition to organic food, Ecocert also certifies products in other sectors, such as cosmetics and care products, organic textiles, ecological detergents, and more.

Environmental Commitment: Ecocert is committed to promoting environmentally friendly practices. Its standards aim to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural and industrial production while promoting sustainability.

Consumer confidence: Ecocert certification on a product is often perceived as a guarantee of organic and ecological quality. Consumers looking for environmentally friendly products can thus trust this certification.

It is essential to note that precise standards may vary depending on the sector (food, cosmetics, etc.) and the regulations specific to each country. Ecocert certified companies are generally allowed to use the Ecocert logo on their products, which strengthens the visibility and credibility of the certification.

Certificat USDA

The "USDA Organic" certificate is a certification issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for organic products. This certification ensures that food and agricultural products meet strict organic farming standards established by the U.S. federal government.

  1. Biological Standards:The USDA Organic certificate is issued to producers and manufacturers whose products meet the standards defined by the National Organic Farming Program of the United States Department of Agriculture.

  2. No GMOs or Synthetic Chemicals :USDA Organic certified products cannot contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and must be produced without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers and other synthetic agricultural chemicals.

  3. Human Breeding Conditions for Animals : For products of animal origin, such as meat and dairy products, animals must be raised in human conditions and have access to the outside.

  4. Sustainable Practices : USDA Organic certified producers must implement sustainable agricultural practices, promoting soil health, biodiversity and the conservation of natural resources.

  5. Third Party Control and Certification:The certification process usually involves an independent third party who verifies that producers comply with USDa Organic standards. This guarantees an objective assessment of compliance with biological criteria.

  6. Labelling: USDA Organic certified products can feature the "USDA Organic" logo on their packaging, which allows consumers to easily identify organic products when shopping.

  7. Product Categories:USD2 Organic certification applies to a variety of product categories, including fresh food, processed products, textiles and other agricultural products.

    Consumers looking for organic products can trust USDa Organic certification as a reliable indication that the product meets strict organic farming standards.

Label 100% Naturel

A "100% natural" label is generally used to indicate that a product is made from natural ingredients and does not contain synthetic or artificial substances. However, it is important to note that the term "natural" can be interpreted in different ways and is not always strictly regulated.

  1. No Synthetic Chemicals:A "100% natural" label generally suggests that the product does not contain colors, flavors, preservatives or other synthetic chemicals. It is supposed to be made from ingredients from natural sources

  2. .Official Certifications: Some "100% natural" labels are associated with official certifications issued by third-party organizations. These certifications can provide an additional guarantee as to the naturalness of the products.

  3. Variability: The exact meaning of the term "natural" may vary from one country to another and from one sector to another. Some countries have strict regulations on the use of the term "natural", while in other places, it can be used more freely.

  4. Look for the Ingredients: Even with a "100% natural" label, it is always recommended to read the list of ingredients to have a precise idea of the components of the product. Some natural ingredients can be difficult to pronounce, but this does not necessarily mean that they are synthetic.

  5. Greenwashing : Be vigilant to avoid "greenwashing", which is the fact for a company to give a misleading ecological image to its products. Some products may have "natural" labels while containing ingredients that are not as natural as they seem.

  6. Organic Certifications: In the food and cosmetics field, some brands prefer to obtain organic certifications rather than simply using the term "natural". Organic certifications often involve strict criteria related to the naturalness of the ingredients.

It is always recommended to be informed and exercise discernment when buying products with "100% natural" labels. If possible, look for official certifications that provide clear standards and verified by third-party organizations.

Label Bio

. An organic label is a symbol or certification granted to agricultural or food products that meet specific standards related to organic farming. These labels are often used to inform consumers that the products have been produced according to sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

  1. Organic Agricultural Standards: Products bearing an organic label are produced in accordance with specific organic agricultural standards. These standards may include restrictions on the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, as well as guidelines on the ethical treatment of animals.

  2. Third-party Certification:Organic products are generally certified by independent third-party organizations. These bodies carry out regular checks to ensure that producers comply with established biological standards.

  3. Official labelling:Organic products are allowed to bear an official label, often accompanied by the term "organic" or "organic". The label varies from one country to another, as each country may have its own regulations on organic certification.

  4. Food products, cosmetics, textiles, etc.: Organic labels do not only apply to food products. They can also be attributed to cosmetic products, textiles, household cleaning products, etc., which meet the organic standards specific to their sector.

  5. Commitment to Sustainability:Organic farming generally focuses on sustainability, conservation of natural resources, preservation of biodiversity, and reduction of the carbon footprint.

  6. Consumer confidence:Consumers looking for products that are more respectful of the environment and their health are often attracted to products with an organic label. The organic label offers an additional guarantee as to the origin and quality of the products.

It is essential to note that specific regulations and certification bodies may vary from one country to another. For example, in Europe, the organic label is often represented by the "Eurofeuille" logo. In the United States, the USDA Organic label is widely recognized. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the specific standards of each label in your region.